Tuesday, April 29, 2008


The libraries that we went to was awesome. i got there late. so the first library went to i didnt get to see all the benefits were. but i did see was all the floors of books and the tables they had. there was a lot more room in that library more then a normal branch. more people can go to the library and do what ever it is they have to do. instead of goin to the ibrary and seeing it full and having to fiond somewhere else to do your work.
The library/museum in bryant park was extremely boring at first but when they showed us to the real artifacts, like the real whinnie the pooh stuff animals, and was told that there is only one copy of every book they have in the library. like Dr. Smith said that boredom does occurr in college students live but act interested and you would become interested. for example, when i said that i was bored at first but then he told me to act like i was intrested and to find out i was learning some quite useful. for instance if i need to do a reseaarch project it's a great idea to go to that library because their is a lot of sources to use in this particular library.

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